
To me, I think the greatest invention of the 20th century was the idea of a computer. You have to remember, everything in the digital world is zeros and ones. There's nothing analog. It's all zeros and ones. " Kevin Mitnick. "

The Phishing Diary

Phishing attack remains a prevalent social engineering technique. This is a continues exploration and updates on the subject. Check it out for some prevention and mitigation techniques.

Use Case in Cybersecurity

Use cases are used in varies fields to optimise goals. the simple break down on complex task for better insight on how procedures unfolds has often been a strength in solving difficult engineering tasks.


Security Information Event Management, Cutting edge technology for centrally managing security events. SIEM aggregates and parse data into indexes to make searching for events efficients.


Automating Infrastructure as a Service (IaS). Terraform uses the HCL, Hashicorp language to write clear configuration .tf or .tf.json files.

DHCP Configuration

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur Cum provident eaque et repellat fugit odit maxime culpa molestiae magnam quos expedita autem incidunt sequi?

DHCP Configuration

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur Cum provident eaque et repellat fugit odit maxime culpa molestiae magnam quos expedita autem incidunt sequi?

DHCP Configuration

Lorem, dolor sit amet consectetur Cum provident eaque et reepellat fugit odit maxime culpa molestiae magnam quos expedita autem incidunt sequi?

DHCP Configuration

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur Cum provident eaque et repellat fugit odit maxime culpa molestiae magnam quos expedita autem incidunt sequi?

DHCP Configuration

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur Cum provident eaque et repellat fugit odit maxime culpa molestiae magnam quos expedita autem incidunt sequi?

DHCP Configuration

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur Cum provident eaque et repellat fugit odit maxime culpa molestiae magnam quos expedita autem incidunt sequi?

DHCP Configuration

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur Cum provident eaque et repellat fugit odit maxime culpa molestiae magnam quos expedita autem incidunt sequi?

DHCP Configuration

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur Cum provident eaque et repellat fugit odit maxime culpa molestiae magnam quos expedita autem incidunt sequi?